
Covadonga Soto – Responsable de PYMES para España y Portugal de Google

Cova nos ha preparado una ponencia sobre la importancia de las competencias digitales (digital skills) en los perfiles profesionales de hoy en día. Sin ir más lejos, fue la directora de marketing de, uno de los principales portales de empleo por Internet y Business Developer Manager en Skype. Es una trabajadora incansable, de modo que no es de extrañar recibir un correo suyo a las 23h.

An online media passionate, I have been working in online companies since 2005, assuming PR, Digital Marketing, Events, E-commerce and alliance responsibilities. Now I am focused on become a mobile advertising expert, as I consider it “the next big thing” which is actually the “current big thing”.

Since 4 years ago I work in the SMB (long tail & mid market segment) for Google and I love working with them, helping them to transform and grow their business by increasing their online presence.